Monday, March 30, 2009

Oregon Project # 10


  1. I love the contrast in the very middle picture! The texture and detail are really great, it makes me want to look at the photo for a long time. I would suggest some more contrast in the other photos, to really make them pop. They are great, and deserve as much attention as the middle! :)

  2. I like the vineyard picture a lot and the lines that are in it. Also, the colors are really vivid.

  3. I like the bright color of the flower picture, and I also like the one of the rolling hills I get the feeling of distance and just how big it is. The one of the vineyard is also really good, I like how you can see the detail close up and then look out over the maze of it all.

  4. Nice collection of images! They capture the spirit of Oregon well! I would love to see work with the saturation as it would really make the colors pop (most landscape photo is a bit enhanced as in real life the colors tend to be a bit bland). I also really enjoy your fish project...where were those taken? Interesting perspectives!
